In questo blog vi tradurrò i testi originali dal sito dei miei amici Baguette e Bonton.
Nelle prossime settimane sarà possibile leggere un sacco di storie e articoli che era impossibile leggere prima ... a meno che non conosciate l’italiano.
Sicuramente sarà divertente per voi leggere questi scritti com’è stato per me tradurli.
A presto!
In this blog I will translate the original texts from the website of my friends Baguette and Bonton.
In the coming weeks you will read a lot of stories and articles that was impossible to read before... unless you know Italian.
Surely it will be fun for you to read these writings as it was for me to translate them.
See you soon!
Questo è il testo in apertura del sito:
This is the opening text of the website:
… In our language it means: “Hello! Nice to meet you.”
We are Baguette and Bonton, two young bassethounds, who live in Woofland.
We are two lovely and frisky dogs with long-ears and short-legs.
Do you think we are funny?
If you play with us, you will enjoy yourself and you will learn a lot of interesting things!
What are you waiting for?